We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!!Liquid error (sections/Marquee line 50): Could not find asset snippets/icon-arrow.liquid

Submission Tracker

PSA has created their own tracker - We will be switching to this on August 1st.
You must enter submission number for tracking. 

Order: Order # Email for tracker: Submission #
March - Sports - CSC SHOW # 1201 abc@abc.com 12027570
EXPO 2024/April - TCG 1209 abc@abc.com 12138841
EXPO 2024/April - SPORTS
1210 abc@abc.com



May TCG 1213 abc@abc.com 12205821
May Sports 1214 abc@abc.com 12205806
June TCG 1217 abc@abc.com 12261160
June Sports 1218 abc@abc.com

12259186 (300)

12261073 (263)

June Vintage https://shorturl.at/kFkNR


July: https://www.psacard.com/orderstatus


Value Plus: 12311447

Regular: 12311443

Sports Bulk 1: 12311426

Sports Bulk 2: 12311434

TCG Bulk: 12311425

Vintage: 12311451

Tracker instruction below


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