We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!! We will be retiring our tracker in favour of PSA's starting August 1st. This will give you access to the same info that we have!!Liquid error (sections/Marquee line 50): Could not find asset snippets/icon-arrow.liquid

Grading - Which Company to Choose... The ageless debate

Hey everyone,  Michael here from ND.

A question we get asked on a daily basis would have to be which company should I grade my cards with??

The answer is not that simple.  A couple things to ask yourself:

1. What slab looks the best to me

2. Is this for resale or personal collection

3. How quick do I want my cards back

4. How much am I willing to spend per card


If you can answer these questions than I can provide some insight on each grading company.

PSA:  The undisputed champion in grading.  You will always get the most value out of your cards when they are in a PSA slab.  In turn - they are the most expensive per card & have the longest turnaround times.

CSG: New kid on the block.  Cheapest grading services, quickest turnarounds. If you want a beautiful looking slab, that feels premium.... CSG is the only choice.  In turn - you wont get nearly as much on a per grade basis. If you are slabbing for your PC they are the best choice

CGC: In the TCG world CGC has quickly risen up the ranks. When frequenting card shows you will notice a lot more CGC graded slabs. This is because they are cheaper than PSA - and turnaround times range from 2 weeks to 1 month.

For pricing visit:


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